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I love Lucid cards: they enable me to link visual objects to Jira or DevOps so my Lucid objects aren't just flat stickies. 
I also love the roadmap template in Lucid: I can drop flat stickies into a swimlane and the swimlane expands to accommodate the objects it contains. What I don't seem to be able to do is have Lucid cards behave in the same way which really limits my options if I'm trying to create a linked roadmap or user story map. 

Does anyone know how to snap Lucid cards to a swimlane in the timeline template or other table structure so I can create roadmaps and user story maps please?


Hey Chris

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community and thank you for all of the kind words! I'm curious are you using Lucidspark or Lucidchart for this project? 

Hey Phil

Lucid Spark - just realised I'm in the Lucid Chart area!


Hey Chris

Okay good deal -- just wanted to be sure! Our Timelines feature within Lucidspark allows you to drop cards into them and the Timeline will auto expand vertically to accommodate the amount or size of cards. Are you seeing something different on your end? Would you care to share a screenshot of what you are seeing and a bit more context on how you would like it to look?

Hey Philip

I've looked at that but the cards in a timeline can't be live linked to external tickets in Jira or DevOps like a Lucid Card can.
I think I might have a solution using the Dynamic Matrix beta object which allows me to snap stickies and other shapes to a cell much like the timeline but then link them to an external source. 



Hey Chris

Thank you for the reply and further context! Yes -- utilizing Jira Cards on a Timeline template does not work with the same functionality as a Lucid Card does. However you are also correct a Matrix may work best for your use case. I would recommend the Dynamic Matrix section of the Jira Cards Help Center article. 

Hope this helps -- please let me know if you have any other questions!

Hi Chris! Abby here from Lucid. I thought you, and others who might come across this topic in the future, might be interested in Lucid’s Agile or Data Trusted User Group. These groups are made up of passionate, experienced users who regularly use agile methodologies or visualize data in their work. As part of this group, you’ll have the opportunity to connect directly with Lucid’s product team and share insights about your workflows, pain points, and needs, shaping the future of Lucid’s agile tools and data solutions. 🎉 You can learn more and apply here for agile and here for data. Thanks!


