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Embedding a particular diagram page into a Confluence wiki page works so long as the Rich Lucidchart Viewer is turned on. As the wiki page loads up however this doesn't work properly. I'm wondering if this bug is known and if there are any plans to fix it? 

Easiest way to explain is via pictures. Here's what I see for about 5-10 seconds after the wiki page first loads: sEEVLdYAfsA5nQanKrYVAg.png 

Once the Rich Lucidchart Viewer actually kicks in what I see suddenly transforms to the correct view: 


It would be really nice if the correct pages from the LucidChart diagram were to load initially. 

Hi Dylan thanks for posting! Sometimes it can take a moment for the viewer to fully load-- it has to fetch the diagram from Lucidchart and also address any display settings you selected. Additionally if the Confluence page has a lot of content/diagrams on it that can also contribute to slower loading times. You could try connecting to an alternate network as that can sometimes help.

If the above info doesn't help and the loading time seems abnormally long please submit a ticket by emailing and we can take a closer look!

Hi Maison thanks for the quick response. The issue isn't load time the diagrams appear almost instantly - the problem is that the diagrams that are shown initially are incorrect. Is there any reason why the simple viewer can't just show the correct diagram pages while the Rich viewer is being loaded or for users who don't want to use the Rich viewer at all? 

Only one viewer can be in use at a time either the Simple or Rich. Our Simple viewer is just a static image which is why there isn't any loading time and certain features aren't available while using it (i.e. page selection auto-update). Our Rich viewer is a dynamic frame that fetches the diagram from Lucidchart each time the Confluence page is loaded which is what can sometimes cause a longer loading time or a delay in showing page selection. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this causes! If you'd like you can copy the pages in your page selection paste them into a new Lucidchart document and insert that document in Confluence instead-- that way you don't have to use the page selection feature.

Thanks Maison - that helps explain what's going on. As you can see from my first screengrab in the post the Simple viewer doesn't just grab one static image from a multi-page diagram it does actually look at the page number that has been entered into the Confluence macro... it just pulls the wrong static image every time. This "off by one" bug has been in place for years I was just hoping that the team could fix this once and for all.  
