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This was previously working , but now it’s not letting me select File> Embed from a Published URL lucid. 
The Embed option is not clickable. 

Any ideas what is now happening/ what could have changed? 

Hi ​@sdantino, thank you for posting your question in the Lucid Community! I’m happy to help! 

Would you mind sharing a screenshot or screen recording of what it looks like on your end? Are one of the options below not clickable, or within another window?


Yes- ​@Ambar D  when I’m on the published URL - both are not clickable (but Publish correctly unclickable). 
I used to be able to click Embed - to embed the read only/published version so that users w/o a lucid license can see it. 
But something has changed and now it’s grey’d out


Hi ​@sdantino, thank you for getting back to me with that information. I would recommend embedding your document instead of publishing. To do so, you do not need to first publish your document. 

To embed a Lucidchart document in a website, blog, or wiki, I would recommend following these steps:

  1. From your Lucidchart diagram select the File menu at the top of your editor.
  2. From the dropdown select Embed.
  3. From the dropdown in the pop-up window select the size of your embed frame or create a custom size.
  4. Click Activate Embed Code.
  5. Copy the HTML snippet and paste it into the code of your web page
  6. This code can be used with a normal HTML img src tag.

If you decide to deactivate the embed code, you can do so by clicking Deactivate under the box containing the HTML snippet.

Does following the steps above help? Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

HI Amber - in the past, if I embed the document, non- lucid users don’t see the diagram in the embed window, I can’t remember the exact wording but the error is either ‘file not available’ or prompts them to sign up or  login to request access. 
However, the published document can be viewed by anyone. 

Hi ​@sdantino, thanks for your response. Embedding your Lucid document makes the document publicly available, so anyone who visits your webpage should be able to view the embedded document. Do the steps above work for you? 

If viewers of your embedded document are seeing error codes or encountering problems, would you mind sending me a screenshot of what it looks like on their end so I can take a closer look? Please let me know if you encounter any issues or have further questions about this.

