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How to hide boundary of the group I currently editing?

Hi Alexander 

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! I am not sure I quite understand your question – are you referring to the blue square surrounding the shapes that are part of a group (as shown below)? 

If that is the case unfortunately it is not possible to hide that blue square. However it should not interfere with editing your group anyhow. Are you experiencing any trouble when trying to do that? 

If I misunderstood your question or if you are having trouble when editing a group please reply with a screenshot of the issue and a description of what is not working as expected. 

Thanks for your help!

Hello thanks for the answer. Yes I meant that blue square. Is it possible to make a ticket to the developers with that request (to make blue square while editing group hideable)?

Hi Alexander 

Happy to help! We highly value user feedback when prioritizing improvements. If you would like to see this option implemented in Lucidchart in the future would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration. Thanks for your request! 
