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When I double click on a text field in an object very often my e-mail address gets inserted.  It's very annoying.  Why does that happen and how can I avoid that?

Hello Patrick thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! What shapes are you using that causes this action to occur? Or does it happen with every shape? Can you try opening your document in a private or incognito window to see if the issue gets resolved from there?

I'm mostly using BPMN notation so these would be the objects though I have also seen it happening on other flowchart objects.  It does not happen systematically though: yesterday I was able to edit a few texts without issue and suddenly it was there again.  It seems to be happening when my mouse-clicks are not 'clean' like when I'm not 100% positioned on the text or when the double-click is not 'smooth'.  The document I was working on yesterday was a 'private' one.

Hello Patrick

Thanks for getting back to me! I'm going to open up a support ticket so we can get more information from you. You should be hearing from us shortly!
