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We have an existing Excel sheet with data of employees from where we want to create an Organogram.  My questions are as follows:

1. Can one import the spreadsheet/database from Excel (or MS Dynamics database) and LucidChart will automatically create an organogram?

2. Once the Organogram has been created can it be linked to the Excel sheet / database so that when the Excel sheet/database is updated the Organogram automatically updates.

3. Vice versa of Q2 above - once a change is made to the Organogram in LucidChart will it automatically update the linked Excel sheet/database?

Thank you

Hi Chris

Thank you so much for interacting with the community!  I've included answers to each of your questions below.

1) You can in fact import a .CSV file to Lucidchart and automatically create an Organogram or Org Chart from the imported data.

Refer to the following link for an in-depth guide on how to import data into your Org Chart.

2 & 3)  Our product team is currently investigating the functionality you are talking about and we would love to see that sort of data-linking functionality with Lucidchart in the future.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.


OK excellent - thanks Brendan!

Rgds. Chris
