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End Goal:  Allow users to interact with chart.  Click on a text box containing Application Name and display more detail information in a single separate text box. Only one box on the chart (no layers)


Imported an Excel file with several columns of data (App ID [key]; Display Name; Description; etc)

On the chart I have the Display Name(s). 

I have a separate text box with two Custom Data fields

APPLICATION ID with the formula =SIBLINGS()."App ID"

Description with the formula =FIELDLOOKUP("App Data" "Description" @'APPLICATION ID')

Since the APP ID contains the App ID values for all objects on the chart the description is displaying error. 

Selected the Application Name displays the correct information but doesn’t change the text box field.

If I hard code the APPLICATION ID in the text box field as expected the description is correct.


How can I get the APPLICATION ID field to display only the App ID for the selected object?

I understand Siblings would display all by default but seeing that if I select an object it only displayed the information for that row hoping there is a way to accomplish it within the chart itself. 

Layers might be an option but as the list grows would rather have to just drag and drop the Name and not have to add a layer for each one and worry about toggling.

Thank you



Thanks for all the detail. I might be missing something here but have you tried only linking the data row for the row you want to display rather than the whole table?  


Thank you for the reply.  I think that is what I am trying to accomplish but I am missing how to do it.  

Hi Jim

Thank you for contributing to the Lucid community! It looks like you have a really solid understanding of how to use data linking in Lucidchart and I just wanted to be sure you had the Lucid Help Center article that further details how to display data on document components. The best way for you to display only the associated data for the selected object is by using layers. For details on how to do this please visit this Lucid Community resource: Using layers and actions to create a button in your diagram. If you are still experiencing trouble after reviewing these resources please submit a support ticket and we will be happy to get to the bottom of it!
