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I am trying to import my charts into Lucidchart. I tried a simple example but the resulting chart in Lucid does not have the edge labels. 
In Draw IO:

I exported the file as an XML in And imported through Lucidchart by selecting Import file option.

Happy to share the XML file over email. But here it is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mxfile host="" modified="2021-07-20T23:56:19.605Z" agent="5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.164 Safari/537.36" etag="Jc4X7KfIOD_FY74PYxQZ" version="14.8.2">

<diagramid="lyna7KCBsA6kekZuYKXq"name="Page 1">








<mxCellid="M27Tg0lbC5T3MDaRsTp_-44"value="Verify User"vertex="1"parent="1">



<mxCellid="M27Tg0lbC5T3MDaRsTp_-45"value="Validate Date 1"vertex="1"parent="1">








Hi Robin thanks for posting in the Community. I'm sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing with import. Here are a few points to look at:

  • Can you verify the file is able to be opened correctly in and that the labels are visible if you re-import the file?
  • If the file that you are trying to import is compressed please try to import an uncompressed version of the file.
  • If the file that you are trying to import is uncompressed please try to import a compressed version of the file.
  • Sometimes switching between the different file types helps the import run more smoothly.

Please let me know if this doesn’t help!

Hey Emma! I have the same issue tried compressed and uncompressed XML.
The labels of the arrows are not imported. Could you help me?

Hey Artem thanks for commenting in our community! It looks like Phillip was able to assist personally from the support team. Unfortunately due to differences between the two applications we had to choose between functional and visual fidelity. In this case we decided to err on the side of functional fidelity so that the shape behaves as intended even though visually there may be some differences with the original file. I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you. 
