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Dear community,

I wonder how the interdependency between the “main diagram” and embeds of the digram works. I.e. if I (1) toggle on/off a layer or

(2) turn off conditional formatting,

would this also impact anyone viewing it from the embed in Notion? If someone changes one of these settings in the embedded Notion page, would this impact the other’s view in the Notion embed?

Many thanks in advance for your help! 

Hey @luciduser_1234  -- thanks so much for posting! An embedded Lucidchart document will contain the following features:

  • Open in Lucidchart
  • View in full-screen mode
  • Show notes, Show hotspots, Use WebGL
  • Toggle pages in tab, thumbnail, and list mode
  • Explore document frame
  • Zoom in/out of document
  • Interact with actions and layers

This means that they will be able to toggle the layers, however, they would not be able to turn off the conditional formatting 😎

Hope this helps!

Hey @Phillip W, thanks for your answer! Just to confirm, even if a user changes these settings, this only impacts their view, right?

So anyone who has view-access cannot impact how the document appears to anyone else, right?

Many thanks! 

Hey @luciduser_1234 -- that is correct 👍
