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Document BPMN 2.0 Synchronization issue

  • 1 November 2017
  • 1 reply

Hi there

I have come across a strange sync. problem.

I am the file owner but one of the individuals that I have shared the file with has made some changes but I cannot see them.

Although the file name was not changed I guess this has happened when lucid has recently changed the BPMN 2.0 task markup.

However I have searching for the changes but I have discovered them when I checked the notification tab

The document has identical name but the content is different and the group that I had shared the document with is different.

It looks as if the changes are somewhere lost in the cloud and has not been synced. yet.



Hi Sam

Thanks for your post. I would recommend checking your Revision History to see the edits that were made on your document. You can see what edits people have made and restore to a previous version if you want. Also it's possible that there are two documents with the same name and that is causing your confusion.

If this problem continues please contact us here and include the URL to your document so that we can take a closer look.
