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Display a Text badge on a line

  • 28 August 2024
  • 4 replies

Is there a way to display a text badge using Conditionnal formatting on a line ? 

What I’m trying to achieve is to display a text badge on a line when the line contains a specific property  in the Shape data. Then, using an Action with Conditionnal formating on a other shape, I would be able to toggle on and off the rule to display or hide the text badge. 

This behavior works well with pretty much any shape, except lines. 


Thank you. 

Good afternoon,

This is a great question. I am checking to see if there is a way to get this accomplished, and I will follow up soon! 

After looking into this for you, as you’ve already found, conditional formatting does not work on lines. However, we are very interested in your feedback. Would you be open to posting your idea here on our product feedback form

Done ! Here’s the link to the idea: 

Display a Text badge on a line | Community (

Just to clarify your statement, conditional formating actually works on line. It’s just the Icons formatting (including “Text Badges”) that are not working. I’m still able to format the line color and style based on some shape data using Shape Style in Conditional Formatting.  

Thank you. 

Thank you for posting your idea, and for the clarification. I added my upvote. Have a great weekend!
