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At some point I have enabled text pills on some lines on a complex diagram. Then disabled it.

Now new lines come with text pill enabled. Existing lines too.

What I tried:

1. Select a line (or alternatively all lines in Select -> All Lines menu).

2. Enable/disable text pill.

3. Double click on the line.

Result (problem): the text still comes enclosed in a pill.

The only way to reset this behavior for individual line is:

1. Select a single line.

2. Double click - see a word "Text" in a pill.

3. Change line style to remove pill.

Result: subsequent attempts to add text label do not produce pill.

Note: it does not work without step #2. There is no way to reset this for all lines on diagram.

I have spent on this issue well more time than it deserves.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Hi Dmitry

Thanks for sharing this experience in the community. I apologize for the frustration!

Try the same steps without selecting a line first. This will set the default style for all lines on your diagram. 

Here are the steps:

  1. Select anywhere on your diagram where a line or shape is not present. 

  2. Open the Line Style dropdown from the formatting bar.

  3. Deselect Text Pill (it will turn black to indicate it is disabled).

All new lines drawn will not include a text pill when you click to add text. To disable the text pill for existing lines follow the first set of steps you outlined then follow the steps provided in my response to set your default line style for new lines added to the diagram.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if this doesn't work and I can take a closer look at what the issue might be.

Ashley C's suggestion worked for me! Thanks @ashley c!

Thanks for letting us know Michael we're glad to hear it! Please ask if there's anything else we can do to support your work!
