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I was working on a new diagram 5~6 weeks ago did not revisited 3 weeks ago and now it is removed/gone from my LucidChart workspace.

Can it be recovered?

Hi John thanks for posting in the Community. I'm sorry to hear that you are not able to find the document. If your document is lost there are a few things you can do:

  • The document may still be there. Can you double-check that you're in the correct account? Sometimes users will use single sign on while signed into a different email account which can produce errors. I suggest that you make sure you've checked any and all Lucid accounts that might be under your email address(es).

  • It is easy to accidentally delete documents. Could you please check that the document isn't in your trash?

  • If the document was shared with you and now you no longer see it in your account it is possible that whoever shared it with you rescinded your access. We would recommend reaching out to whoever owns the document to have them re-share it with you.

  • Your document might be hiding in your browser history. If you carefully look through your browser history when you last worked on the document you might be able to find it.

If these tips don't help would you mind submitting a support ticket using this form so we can investigate further? Please make sure to include the URL of the document (if you are able to find it in your browser history) and the email addresses of any other Lucid accounts you might have. This may help us locate the document in our system.

I found the diagram in my browsers history luckily since I often purge history/cookies etc.. and work in incognito windows... I had not for a few weeks in this case.

I have triple verified that I am logged in as the expected account.

However.. The diagram STILL does not appear in my recently worked on or in my login landing page.   I have to save the URL and paste it into the browser for me to find it repeatedly.   Any suggestions how to get the diagram associated with my "Documents" home page?


Hi John my apologies for the delayed reply! You may have already found the answer to this but just in case here are a few suggestions to address why this document isn't showing up in your My Documents/Recent Documents home page:

1. Is the document shared with you? If so it will show up in the “Shared with Me” folder not the “My Documents” folder.

2. There is a search bar in the top right corner of the home page:

If you search for the document title here does it appear in the results? This may help you locate it if it is buried in a folder or subfolder. If it does show up and you are able to open it from the documents list does it start showing up in 'Recent Documents'? 

If none of these suggestions help could you please submit a support ticket using this form so we can investigate further? Please make sure to include the URL you are using to access the document so we can investigate further.
