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Diagram is only 1-page in size and cannot get rid of empty page next to it when exporting to PDF

  • 24 January 2018
  • 2 replies

Hi I am working on several diagrams and managed to squeeze each of them nicely into one page (all within the indicated page boundaries). However on the right there is empty space of the size of another page and I cannot get rid of it.

Everytime I "Download as PDF" or "Print" it saves the PDF as 2 pages (one with my diagram and the second one completely empty).

Sure I can then manually 'print as pdf on my Mac and then save again only the first page. However that's always an extra step plus it increases the file-size from about 70-90kb per PDF to 350-450kb which makes it difficult to send many diagrams to colleagues and clients. 

Thanks so much in advance for speedy assistance.


It's sorted. I figured it out. Just had to highlight and then pull the entire diagram from the left side to the right side of the lucidchart document and then the other blank page disappeared automatically. :-)


Hi Ben

Thanks for your post. I'm glad you were able to resolve this! Please let us know if you have any more trouble.
