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I can't delete one of my templates. I deleted it from my documents but then it still appears in templates. And then it appears in my docs again.


Also I don't want to delete the original file I just wanted to delete the template.



Hi Serra


Thanks for posting in the community! Can you please clarify what sort of template you're trying to delete? A screenshot of where you're seeing the template that won't delete would be helpful too. 


A few things that we can take a look at first are:

  • If the template you used to create the document is a Lucidchart-made template you will not be able to delete it from the gallery.

  • If you created a template from one of your own documents you can remove it from the "Personal" section of the template gallery by finding the template in your document list clicking on More and selecting Convert to Document. This will get rid of the template but preserve the document you created with it. 

  • If you're trying to delete a template that was shared with you but you only have view-only access to the template you will not be able to delete it. 


I created a template from one of my own documents however in the document list I do not have an option to "Convert to Document". Is there a more direct way to delete templates?

Hi Evan thanks for following up on this thread. Is it possible that you are seeing a document created from the template in your documents list rather than the template itself? You can identify a template in your documents list by the grey 'Template' label on the template thumbnail. 

If you are having trouble locating the template in your document list I recommend searching for it from the search bar in the top right corner of your documents page. Once located hover over the template thumbnail and click 'More' to access the 'Convert to Document' option from the drop-down list. You could also select 'Delete' to completely remove the template. See the below GIF for a demonstration. Please note that you cannot delete a template from the template gallery (accessed by clicking the template 'Template' tab on the left of your documents home page)- this must be done from the document list.



