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Hi i'm pretty new to this but have spent hours trying to work this out so hopefully someone can help.

I've created a template for org structures to be made A3 size with a title and a footer and have set the first page as a master so that this should appear across all of my tabs when I apply it.

I then upload my dataset which creates 6 new tabs of correct looking org structures however when I apply the master style to all of these tabs they're still totally random sizes and not the size I set up the template or master to.  Is there a way to set a default size when creating structures or is this something I will need to go through each tab and resize manually?

I found the document settings where you can set a default page size for all new documents but this doesn't seem to work when importing data for an org structure. 

Hey Zoe

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! Would you mind to clarify -- do you mean that the sizes of the Org Chart structures are not correct or are you talking about the pages being random sizes? Would you care to send a screenshot of any error messages or what settings are changing? 

Thank you for your help and patience! 

Apologies I might not have used the right terms! So I need to be every page to be A3 landscape and have the footer like on my Master here:

But when I import my data and then 'apply master to all pages' they're random sizes and the footer doesn't fit correctly.  

I hope this makes sense there might be a more straightforward way of doing this that i'm not aware of!

Hey Zoe

Aha I see -- thank you for clarifying! So to set default page sizing you will want to go into your Account Settings > Document Settings and select A3 from the Default Page Size and Format menu.

Once you set this you will need to create a new document so the settings will apply. Hope this helps -- please let me know if you have any other questions! 

Thanks Phillip I already have this set as A3 Landscape so I'm not sure why it's not working :( 

Hi Zoe

Thank you for the reply and apologies for the continued trouble! I'm going to create a support ticket for us to continue this conversation as this may take a bit more digging. I'd be happy to help you there =) 
