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Hi I'm not using Lucidchart at the moment just wondering if cancelling my account will close it forever or if it can be reactivated with my documents still available?


Hi Justin thanks for posting. If you cancel your subscription and close your account we will no longer be able to retrieve the documents you have created and saved to our systems. Please download and save any documents you will need before closing your account. Closing your account will also close any Lucidchart or Lucidspark account tied to the same email. You can refer to our Help Center article for more information about account deletion.

If you simply cancel your subscription without closing/deleting your account you will revert to a free account that you can use to access any documents you created. You will not be charged for this free account and you can use it to store and access any documents you created. You can read more about free accounts in our Lucidchart Plans article

Thanks Emma I have cancelled but to get there I had to click the close account button which is a bit unclear which I why I was hesitant to push it.

Maybe the button should be labeled "cancel subscription" rather than "close account".

Overall I have been happy with Lucidchart thanks!
