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I set up a data link to a google sheets. How do I use this data in my org chart? I want to be able to edit the google sheet and have it auto refresh on the or chart. Right now, I only see the option to upload a google sheet (which works), but then I have to hit manual refresh. 

Hi @hannahm thanks for posting in the community! Automatic data refresh is an Enterprise only feature, you will have to manually refresh your data as you make changes to your Google Sheet. To learn more about how to manage your org chart, check out our Create an Org Chart article from the Lucid help center.

I do have an Enterprise license. Can you please share how I can use that feature with an Org Chart through the Enterprise license?

@hannahm Apologies for the confusion on my end. Your data from Google Sheets should automatically refresh every 30 seconds, with the option force a sync if necessary. You can read our Link data to Lucidchart Help Center article, specifically the ‘Update or delete a data set’ section, for more details on the intended functionality of this feature. 


If your data is not automatically refreshing to reflect new updates, can you please try re-uploading your data using "replace data set"?


If that does not resolve the issue, can you please share screenshots of any error messages popping up (if applicable) and whether you are using a template or the ‘Import Data’ function (which creates the org chart from your sheet)?

Hi, thanks for the reply. I do not see any error messages. I have tried both by template and using the ‘Import Data’ function, but neither seem to work. On the left-hand side, under data panel, if I upload the google sheet there - this data link displays any changes to the google sheet and is updated automatically without hitting refresh. However, I am unable to use this data upload in the Org Chart. It keeps asking me to upload a Google Sheet under the Org Chart Data Properties panel on the right. I see the data populate into the Google Sheets, but there is no automated refresh. Is this something to do with the Org Chart Properties? 


Let me know if there’s further explanation needed.  

@hannahm  I apologize for the confusion on my end. Data linking is the enterprise-only feature that allows you to upload a data set and freely associate it with any kind of shape, as well as refresh and replace it as needed using the general data management panel (on the left). The feature I believe you are using is the Data-based org chart feature. This is the ability to create an org chart based on specifically formatted data, and has a separate (right panel) data management tool for re-uploading and refreshing data. You will need to both upload and refresh your data through this specific tool, not data linking. Automatic refresh will not work with a Data-based org chart.


Does this answer your question?

@hannahm  I apologize for the confusion on my end. Data linking is the enterprise-only feature that allows you to upload a data set and freely associate it with any kind of shape, as well as refresh and replace it as needed using the general data management panel (on the left). The feature I believe you are using is the Data-based org chart feature. This is the ability to create an org chart based on specifically formatted data, and has a separate (right panel) data management tool for re-uploading and refreshing data. You will need to both upload and refresh your data through this specific tool, not data linking. Automatic refresh will not work with a Data-based org chart.


Does this answer your question?

Okay, so we are having a similar problem. What I am reading by this thread is that automated org charts is NOT possible….Is this true?


If it is, that is very unfortunate, because all the sales documentation that we read, and the only reason we picked Luicid, made it sound like after connecting our data via data-linking, we would be able to automate our org-chart.  We have enterprise license, and are data-linking successfully, and it appears to be updating that, however, we still have to manually click on “refresh data” in the org chart right side panel.  Is this going to be a feature that Lucid is working on (automation in the org-chart update)?  The idea here is to be hands off as much as possible.  

@spitfireAZ thanks for continuing this thread! As you have seen, to update Data-based Org Charts you must manually refresh the dataset. Automatic refresh for Data-based Org Charts is a great idea, would you mind adding your ideas and use case to the Product Feedback section of the community? From here, people can upvote it and add details of their own.

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post:

