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I am trying to create a dynamic dashboard but am not finding any luck from watching the countless how to videos online. A lot of the videos explain the process using linked data but I only have the function to import data and this is where the biggest issue is coming from when I try to create a dynamic icon to show the status of copmleted pending and new projects. 

Please can some one offer some advice on how to do this. 

Thank you 

Hey Mariza

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Unfortunately data-linking is only available on our Enterprise accounts. You could continue to use our data-import feature to create your dashboard however your shapes will not update automatically as you update your data. 

Hope this helps--if you would like to upgrade or have more questions about upgrading please contact our Sales Team. Cheers!

Hi Phillip 

Thank you for getting back to me! 
I have tried the import function when creating a dynamic shape but am not able to get the data to reflect in the icon I have selected. The Import function does work when I create a container but I need to create a dynamic icon such as a donut circle diagram to see progress of tasks - this is where I am not able to import data to 

Hey Mariza

Thank you for the reply! Sorry for the confusion here--yes the dashboard can be initially created using a container and imported data. I should have been a bit more clear in my response that the dynamic shapes can either be manually updated or used with data-linking. To manually update the data of dynamic shapes using custom values:

  • Select a Dynamic Shape.

  • Update the min max and value of the Dynamic Shape using the advanced shape bar at the top of the canvas.

  • Click the left drop-down and select "Custom Data."

  • Toggle the up/down arrows or type the data you would like.

I hope this helps clarify--please let me know if you have any other questions!
