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When I use the Table/Grid shape and I try to change the alignment of the columns
for example like this: {0L 3L 0L 5L 0L 0L 2L 0R 0L}
then this doesn't work: columns that are supposed to be left-aligned are centered or right-aligned and vice versa.


Hey there

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! This issue has been reported to our dev team and they are currently working on a fix. As a workaround you can copy and paste the table (as seen in the gif below) following the updates to the alignment. The pasted table will reflect the changes you have made and allow you to continue your work.

Hope this helps--please let me know if this workaround does not work for you!

If anyone else out there is experiencing a similar issue don't hesitate to reach out to us at Cheers!

Hi, I see that this bug has been fixed already as it is 1 year ago. However, I’m trying to align a certain column but only the first three rows are getting updated. Did I write the lower three rows wrong?



Hey @alma -- thanks for posting! If you switch the alignment to read 6L instead of 3L it should align the column completely to the left. You may have to use the copy and paste still as the workaround if this doesn’t work as you’d expect. 

Hope this helps!

I also experience the same issue and no work around seems to really work.
