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I am creating a set of shapes for a custom diagram.

I would like to create shapes that through a menu bar (like the one in the picture) can modify the shae proerties and content in the shape directly. There is a way to do this from custom shape or it is avaialble only for predefiend shapes

Thanks for your support

Hi Mattia Thanks for posting in the Community! The ability to add fields and choreography as in your screenshot above is only available for specific shapes from specific shape libraries (like the choreography shape in your screenshot from our BPMN 2.0 shape library).

If you are hoping to frequently use a variation of this shape and have access to those features you can add this shape (with any modifications you apply to the shape) to a custom shape library of your own so that you can customize it and then easily drag them out into your diagram at any point. However these options can not be added to other shapes that they don't already appear for. If you would like to add this shape to a custom library of your own please check out our Shape Libraries article for instructions on how to do so. Hope this helps!
