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I’m not seeing any formatting options for numbers in a data table, am I overlooking it?  Was hoping to apply a custom format “_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)”, possible?

Hi ​@jakittrell 

The specific custom number formatting you're seeking is not feasible.

Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Hi ​@jakittrell, would you mind providing more detail about what you are hoping to achieve? This will help me to determine if what you are hoping to achieve is possible.

As a starting point, the Use formulas in Lucidchart and the Add and style tables in Lucidchart articles from the Lucid Help Center may be helpful here to get an understanding of what is available.

Thank you also ​@Humas1985

sure, thanks.  The core issue is this; when I import an excel data sheet which has been formatted in excel (e.g. accounting format applied), the data is not coming into lucidchart retaining that format.  In fact, it carries additional character strings associated with format syntax, like a parentheses.  So, I have to format the data in basic number format in excel then link it to a smart table.  I was looking for a way then to apply various numeric format from within Lucidchart, in my case I was trying to apply accounting format.  It would seem helpful across the product to be able to format numbers (with or without comma for thousands, decimal precision, with/without characters like dollar sign, etc).
