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I'm trying to create a custom formula to count the 'rectangle' objects that are Purple #9D99EC.

The page Insights  "SHAPE" formula is showing as
=countif((descendants(page) x => itemtype(x) = 'Block')

I'm not sure how to combine the ISCOLOR and the below is giving me an error
=countif((descendants(page) x => itemtype(x) = 'Block') AND(ISCOLOR"#9D99EC"true))

Hey Karen 

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! It looks like you are well on your way here however there is a slight tweak to the final formula that you will want to make in order to get this working properly. 

Instead of using the formula you have listed there try using: 

=countif(descendants(page) x => and(itemtype(x) = 'Block' lower(fillcolor(x)) = '#9d99ecff'))

This should allow you to accomplish what you are attempting. 

Hope this helps--please reach back out if you have any other questions! Cheers 🍻

Thanks @phillip w This worked !!!... but then I try to replicate it for other fillcolor it doesn't.
How do I find the correct code as noticed the purple code you have has  xxxx ff at the end
ie; aqua fill color  i was trying says #31bddf when i hover over it but I get zero results when adding this to your formula 


Hey Karen

Glad that worked! The ff represents 100% opacity. Here is a resource that explains this and gives the code for each opacity level. 

Hope this helps--please let me know if you have any other questions! 
