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I have what is probably a simple easy thing but for the life of me I cannot figure it out. I have a CSV consisting of 3 columns:

Column A     |     Column B     |     Column C
Names               Permissions       Accounts

In column A there is a list of group names in column B there is a description of permissions (title of the permission set) and in column C there are account names. What I would like to do is visualize in a simple diagram of who (Names) has what permission (Permissions) to which accounts (Accounts). Like an object for column A a connector line labeled with column B and then another object with column C.

Column C is the "primary key" meaning that I'd expect to see a single object per record in column C with multiple objects from records in column A connected with labels from column B.

Hope this makes sense but is that doable in LucidChart?





Hey Cody 

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! I'm not 100% sure what you are looking to do however I think with the information you have provided that Smart Containers would be very effective for your project. The Lucid Help Desk is also a great place to look for more information on different solutions within Lucidchart. 

If neither of these options help out would you be able to post a few screenshots of examples or ideas for what you are trying to accomplish? I would be happy to take a deeper dive into this with you--Cheers!
