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  • You have been approached by a restaurant owner to investigate the following process in the restaurant. The restaurant is a popular venue for business meals during the week as well as family dinners over weekends. The owner would like to improve the profitability of the business.

  • 30% of clients have reservations and 70% of clients are without reservations. When the clients arrive they are greeted by a meeter greeter who within 0 to 30 minutes needs to allocate sitting for the clients.

  • On average the clients wait 0 to 10 minutes to be seated once a table has been allocated. The waiter takes the orders (5 to 10 minutes) there is a 0 to 10 minutes for the waiter to place the order the kitchen prepares the order (20 to 45 minutes). It takes another 0 to 10 minutes to collect the order from the kitchen 5 minutes to serve the clients 5 to 30 minutes to attend to the clients while they eat.

  • Once the clients are done the waiter takes 5 minutes to prepare the bill and it takes another 5 minutes for the clients to settle the bill.


  1. Draw the As-Is process from a customer perspective including waiting time.

  2. What are some of the problems in this process?

  3. What technologies would you propose to make the process seamless for the customer?

  4. List the benefits of your proposed solution(s).

  5. Assuming the average cost of a meal is R300(incl. 1 drink) it operated from 18:00 – 24H00 with a constant customer arrival rate and has 50 tables and 10 waiters. Compare the restaurant’s profitability today vs how much the restaurant will make with your process improvements. Feel free to state other assumptions.

i need help

Hi Noel thanks for posting in the Lucid community! While it's outside the scope of our team to provide help with assignments like this I think that Lucidchart could be a great tool to assist you with questions 1 and 2 - diagramming this process from a customer perspective and identifying problems with it! I recommend beginning by reviewing our Introduction to flowcharts article from the Lucidchart Help Center which will explain how to use these basic shapes as well as flowcharting best practices. You might also find this post 5 Templates for Documenting Processes helpful as a starting point for your own process diagram!
