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Hello everyone 


I want to create a huge Driver Tree with all KPIs that are used in our company. I have already a G-Sheet with all of them in the right order with 450 rows. How can I insert this in Lucidchart? Do I need a specific format? I tried a couple of times but it was never the whole KPIs just a few and also not in the ritght order.

Any help is really much appreciated! :)



Hi Karo! Thanks for commenting in our community! I would like to gather more information so I can best help out. I'm curious to hear what templates you may have previously tried? If you could attach a screenshot of what you want the final product to resemble I could try and better direct you. Thanks for your patience and help!

Hi Whittney

thank you for your respond. Kind of like this:  

But bigger with more KPIs and a bit more complex in the sense of that some of KPIs are going into more other KPIs. Thank you for your help.


Hi Karo thanks for that super helpful information! We don't currently have a template that will exactly fit your needs. But with a little manual drawing I'm sure you can create what you are hoping for. My first recommendation would be to import your data into a Smart Container. You can read all about how to import and design Smart Containers here. 

Another option would be to import your information and create a Process Diagram. 

You might also be interested looking over our BPMN templates. This would require more manual drawing on your end however.  Hope these ideas help! I'd love to hear about how you accomplish this diagram! 

Hi Whittney

I already tried with the smart Containers. I get the Data in Lucidchart but I cannot use these to create a Driver Tree as they won't leave there Container. 

I will try with the Process Diagram.

Thanks for your help.



Hi Karo! Happy to help and best of luck as you design this Driver Tree! 
