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I have created a Swim Lane Chart that is quite long. I would now like to copy sections of the chart and make 4-5 charts out of the one chart I have created. Could you please assist me in advising best way to do this

Hi @Jules1 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to break down your larger chart into smaller, more focused segments:

1. Open Your Existing Chart - Begin by opening your existing Swim Lane chart in Lucidchart.

2. Select the Section to Copy - Use the selection tool to highlight the part of the chart you want to copy. Make sure to include all relevant shapes, lines, and text in your selection.

3. Copy the Selected Section - Right-click on the selected area and choose "Copy" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C (Cmd+C on Mac).

4. Create a New Document - In the Lucidchart dashboard, create a new document by clicking on “+ Document” or “+ Create” button.

5. Paste the Copied Section - Open the new document, click anywhere on the canvas to ensure it is active, and then right-click and select "Paste" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Mac) to paste the copied section.

6. Adjust the Pasted Content - Once pasted, you might need to adjust the layout slightly to ensure that all elements are aligned properly and that the flow makes sense in the context of the smaller segment.

7. Repeat for Other Sections - Return to the original chart and repeat steps 2 to 6 for each section you wish to create as a separate chart. This method allows you to focus each new chart on a different aspect or part of the process.

8. Rename Each New Chart- Give each new chart a specific name that reflects its focus. This can be done by clicking on the document title at the top of the Lucidchart interface and typing in the new name.

9. Save and Organize - Make sure to save each document after editing. You may also want to organize your charts in folders within Lucidchart for easy access.

10. Review and Edit - Review each chart to ensure that no critical information is missing or misrepresented due to the segmentation. Make any necessary edits to maintain accuracy and clarity.

11. Share or Export - If you need to share these charts with colleagues or stakeholders, use the sharing features in Lucidchart. You can also export each chart to various formats if needed for presentations or inclusion in other documents.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage large Swim Lane diagrams by breaking them down into smaller, more digestible charts, each focusing on a specific part of the process. I hope this is helpful.

Thank you @Ria S 
