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The "Create a copy" function is not working for me in either Firefox or Chrome. I've done it successfully dozens of times; this is a new issue.

To be clear I am not talking about copying and pasting. I am talking about the function where you can save a copy of a document with a different name most easily accessed via Ctrl + Shift + S.

For the last day or so whenever I try this a little "Creating copy" notification comes up in the lower left part of the screen with those words flanked by an info icon that doesn't seem to do anything and an X that closes the notification. But the copy is never created. It just gets stuck on that notification forever.

I've tried a few workarounds such as copying and pasting the file from the Documents screen. They seem to work though they're less convenient. Which makes it all the more mysterious why this specific function seems to have crapped out.

Is this some new bug? If not what if anything can I do about it?

Hey Jeff

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Would you mind trying this functionality in an incognito window? Would you also care to try on a different network and device as well? This will help us rule out any network or browser issues that could be causing this behavior. 

Thanks so much for your help and patience Jeff! 
