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When I copy a section with comments attached to the the diagram the comments disappear when I paste the section. 1. Should this be happening? (I wish it wouldn't) 2. Is there a work around? (I hope there is). - Thanks.


Hi Jason

Thanks for posting in the community. This is the intended functionality of comments. However if possible I would recommend using notes. Notes are intended to be more permanent as opposed to comments which are intended to be resolved. Therefore they will still be there when you copy/paste. Hope this helps!

Thanks for the reply. If I can make a recommendation for improved functionality: it would be great if I could copy and paste diagram sections with comments. Since the note feature doesn't allow for a conversation thread I'm not going to use it with my distributed team to work through our process. Not being able to copy and paste comments causes us to either 1. lose work by mistake or 2. take extra steps to work around this limitation. I appreciate the consideration.

Hi Jason

Thanks for your suggestion. To promote this idea to our development team please add it to our feature request form. Thanks!
