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I have a frame full of items I want to copy and paste everything into a new place.

I highlight everything and press ctrl+C

Then press ctrl+V

It pastes it on top of where I'm working and the items get attached to the frame underneath

I've tried moving to blank part of the board and pasting there but then I just get a blank frame and the contents don't copy.

The only solution I've found it to open a whole new board paste it there and then copy it from there and paste it back into my original board this is a real pain. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

It would be great to find the answer to this as this happens to me too and it's really frustrating.

Hi Jude and Mike thank you for posting in the Lucid community! Our sincere apologies for the delayed response on this thread - I wanted to follow up in case this answer may still be useful to you and to provide a solution for other users who see this thread in the future.

Following the steps that you described (selecting the frame and all of the objects within it copying scrolling to an empty portion of the canvas then pasting) should copy and paste the frame and all of its contents to the new portion of the board that you are on. If you are still experiencing this issue could you please send a screen recording of the issue so that I can take a closer look at what you are seeing?

Once again I am so sorry for the delay here.

This doesn't seem like a work around and not a real answer.

Unless you copy the content of the frame there is almost no purpose of copying the frame.  There's already a way to very easily duplicate the style and sizes of the frame.

Is there an actual solution to this problem?

Additionally copying as described doesn't handle locked objects.  Selecting the frame and objects locked within the frame then either duplicating or copy/pasting results in a frame without the locked objects.

Hi Steve

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! I'd be happy to provide some clarity here: Our copy feature functions as you and other users have already stated drag or select the item to copy and use Cmmd/Ctrl + C. The location of your paste is determined by the location of your cursor at the time you use Cmmd/Ctrl + V. The object(s) copied will paste with the cursor being the middle of your intended paste point. Check out this gif to see this in action 😎

To clarify on the frame and objects within the frame--this is intended functionality. You can drag to copy the frame and the contents within it or you can select just the frame. 

Hope this helps--please let me know if you have any other questions! 
