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I want to use a detailed text outline to auto generate a flowchart in Lucid chart. How? Someone mentioned an auto generate button in the toolbar but I dont see that anywhere  

Hi Margaret thanks for posting in the community! It sounds like you might be referring to our UML markup tool which automatically generates a diagram based on your input. I've included a screenshot of an example below:


To access this you'll need to enable the UML Sequence shape library then click </> Use Markup.


For detailed instructions and more information on the markup syntax please refer to this article from the Lucidchart Help Center and let me know if you have any additional questions. Hope this helps!

The link UML Sequence Markup article  results in an error page.

Hi @snguyen, apologies for the error! Here is the correct link - I’ve also updated the link above to avoid future confusion. Thanks for letting us know!
