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Hi I am looking to number the steps in my process diagram. I added numbers on page one using conditional formatting (if(isempty(upstreamdeep)1count(upstreamdeep)+1). My process diagram spreads across several pages. How do I continue page numbering across multiple pages? I have the pages linked with off-page connectors but the numbering starts back at one on each page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



Hi Sarah thank you for posting in the community!

As a first step would you mind reviewing our article on formulas if you haven't already? I would also recommend checking out our Developer Portal particularly the section dedicated to page references to see if any of the outlined formulas would allow you to achieve what you have in mind. Feel free to follow up here if these resources do not resolve your issue.

If anybody else has tips on a formula that would allow Sarah to accomplish this please post below so we can benefit from your knowledge!
