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connect shapes in different pages

Hello there
can I connect shapes belonging to different pages (e.g the master and a secondary?). 

I try to explain better: the attached image is the master page. Now I'm starting a new chart in a secondary page to develop a topic (a shape) of the master one. I'd like to link it between the two charts. I would link also more topics (shapes) in the same way.

thank you

Hi Michele! Thanks for reaching out in the community. If you are talking about "linking" the two separate diagrams through lines/arrows that's not possible on different page tabs. But if you want it to be connected through lines you can always expand the canvas on your master page and just have the second diagram next to it where you can easily drag lines between the two. If you are talking about "linking" meaning you want to click on a certain shape and have it take you to the other diagram on a separate page you can do that through using our "Hotspots" feature. Please take a look at our Help Center article on the topic for more information on how to do this. Hope this helps!

Hi Maison
your first hypothesis is right but the result would be a huge canvas so by now I'm using the link between different pages you mentioned that I discovered in the meantime.
Thank you very much for your support
