Confluence OnPrem: Exceeds max allowed packet size for SQL. How do I fix this?
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If you're having issues getting the Lucidchart Standalone for Confluence plugin working due to this error please follow these steps to fix the issue.
This is a known issue with Confluence. More information can be found here.
Go to the server where your Confluence instance is installed.
Open a shell and type the following command:
shell> mysqld --max_allowed_packet=128M
Restart mysql.
Create an account in the community
A Lucid account is required to interact with the community. You will be redirected to the Lucid app to create an account.
Log in to the community
A Lucid account is required to interact with the community. You will be redirected to the Lucid app to log in.
Log in with Lucid
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.