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I just upgraded a Confluence Data Center instance from version 8.7.2 to 8.8.0, and now our Lucidchart macros are not rendering anymore. 😓

Lucidcharts render for 1 second, then a stack trace occurs within the macro.

I confirmed Confluence’s Lucidchart config is still pointing to our Lucidchart team.

Anyone else encounter this? Anyone have suggestions, fixes, or workarounds?

Hi @Dave L 


Kindly have a look in to the article and ensure one more time all the settings and configurations are accurate:


Hope this helps - Happy to help further !!

Thank you very much and have a fantastic day!

Warm regards

Thank you for posting in the community, @Dave L and @Humas1985 for sharing the relevant Help Center article! 

The Lucidchart Connector for Confluence Data Center currently supports Confluence Data Center 5.9.1 - 8.7.2. This means that any issues you are encountering on Confluence 8.8 are likely related to this.

I am unfortunately unable to provide a timeline for when this version will added, however you can see the supported versions here in the Atlassian Marketplace listing
My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you! Let me know if you have any additional questions.

@Leianne C - hi Leianne!

🔴 Please escalate this issue (and let the appropriate team/s know) as we currently cannot use the Lucidchart macro right now.

If you have any workarounds, they would be appreciated!

Related ticket FYI 4843888

Hi @Dave L 


Kindly have a look in to the article and ensure one more time all the settings and configurations are accurate:


Hope this helps - Happy to help further !!

Thank you very much and have a fantastic day!

Warm regards

Thanks Humas1985!

I checked that article, and confirmed our Confluence <> Lucidchart team integration settings are present and valid.

Apparently the compatibility problem is a known issue?

Hi @Dave L

Yes, you have identified a bug, and we have reported this to our development team. I apologize for any disruption this may cause, and I will update this thread with any new information about a fix. Please follow along on this thread for updates, and post any additional questions or concerns below.

You can also refer to your support threads with our Support Team for more information regarding your account. 

Appreciate you Amelia! To keep things simple, I closed the support thread I opened, and will follow along here. 🙏

Lucid just released an 8.8.0 (and 8.8.1-compatible) version of their add-on, and I confirmed it works!


Hi @Dave L, thanks for updating this thread! We’re glad to hear the update to this add-on is working for you! Please let us know if you have any further questions.
