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Hello all! 

I am currently using the swim lane template and have a conditional formatting rule setup for coloring objects when they fall within one of the swim lanes.  The issue is when I duplicate the page, the rule no longer works on the duplicated page.  

Has anyone encountered this and/or are there any suggestions for why this is happening and how to fix it? 

OK I figured this out.  When you duplicate the page and go into your rules, you will see two sets of your swim lanes, one for each instance of the swim lane object.  To get the rule to apply you have to adjust the existing rule to include all the duplicate swim lanes for each IF (ELSE IF) statement.  


Hi @sneakypooka, thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! I’m glad to hear you found a solution and shared it in this thread. 🎉 We're happy to help with any future questions you might have, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!
