conditional formatting choices on masterpage do not replicate to additional pages

  • 14 May 2020
  • 1 reply

I have imported a spreadsheet of data for organization charts and created a document with multiple pages (one per company).  How can I establish settings to a master page so that "conditional formatting" choices will apply to all of the pages.  I would like choices like setting vertical spacing shape style employee field choices and their order and conditional formatting rules to be set one time and apply to all of the pages.

In this example of have 12 pages.  Changing the above choices on each page is onerous as to make these options useless.


Hi Daniel

Thanks for posting on the Community!

Unfortunately there is not a simple way to edit different organization charts in multiple pages. Creating settings for vertical spacing and employee field choices must be made on a chart by chart basis since each organization chart is considered to be its own individual object. I agree that these are good ideas so I recommend filling out our feature request form. This is the best way for our product team to hear your feedback on this.

There are a few workarounds that will help you on formatting styles on each page. The simplest is using our copy and paste tool. This can be done by:

  1. Click into Organization chart
  2. Click on an employee shape
  3. Format shape
  4. Right click on formatted shape and select "Copy Style" or "Set Default Style"
  5. Move to next page paste your style and set as default style

You can also style your shapes by creating a conditional formatting rule that you can apply to each page. Take a look at this video on Conditional Formatting. Unfortunately this doesn't apply to specific organization chart edits.

 Thanks for your request and please contact us here if you have any further questions.
