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I am building out a process flowchart that is very communications heavy. For each "event" where an email is sent I would like to link the draft email text to that icon. Can you share the best way to do this? Using the notes feature creates a large icon that would make the presentation messy. The email linking function is only for linking email addresses not email content. Attached image below all shapes in blue are emails. 

Thank you in advance for any help!

Hi Melanie

Thanks for posting on the communities. There are a couple of different ways that you could approach this. One (which you have currently in your diagram) is adding the email content as a note. However as you mentioned that will lead to the Note icon appearing on each email step.

Another--potentially more streamlined-- option would be using hotspots to either link to the email content. You could have the email content either on other pages of the same document or on layers (which can be toggled on and off). Hotspots/shape actions do not show with any icons or color changes so this would preserve the look of your diagram while also allowing your collaborators to find the additional information they need. 

This Actions (Links) and Hotspots article can teach you the basics of implementing hotspots and the Creating Multi-Layered Diagrams article looks at the specific use case of using hotspots to toggle on and off specific layers.

Hope this helps!
