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 Hi There! 

I am having some trouble when exporting my document to PDF the color blocks are not coming through. I tried "bringing them forward" increases color saving in different formats. Non of this worked.  I  noticed that others were having trouble with this same issue but with text. The rest of my document is there and looks good just missing the color blocks.

Thank you


Hi there Amanda! I apologize for any confusion. It looks like you are using Hotspots which will not appear when your document is in present mode or exported. If you would like the shape to display on your diagram without the Hotspot functionality you can add a rectangle from the Shapes library and edit it to match the hotspot (40% opacity 5px rounded corners 2px black border and #00ff99 color). I hope this helps!

I have the issue mentioned above where the document exports to pdf with the shapes but none of the text within the shapes. Any ideas?

Hi Mathieu

Thanks for continuing this thread. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with this. Because you're experiencing a document specific issue could you please contact us here and include the URL to your document so we can take a look? Thanks in advance. 
