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I have invited a colleague to share with me and collaborate on a template however I am not seeing her initials appear after they have accepted the invitation and we can not see each others changes in real time only when we press save. We can also not see each others chats - do you know why this may be?

Hi Deborah

Thanks for posting on the community! There are a couple of issues that we see that can cause difficulties with sharing and collaborating; do you mind trying these steps and seeing if they clear up the issue?

  • Try collaborating in a Chrome Incognito browsing session. This often improves performance by clearing your cache and cookies and disabling your extensions.

  • Please also try sharing and collaborating from a different internet connection to make sure that there is no network interference.

  • Try un-sharing and re-sharing the document.

Just to make sure that we are on the same page please review our Collaborating and Sharing article from the Lucidchart Help Center and let me know if you have any questions.

A couple of specific things are worth noting from this resource:

  • To enable or disable collaborative cursors navigate to "View" > "Use Collaborative Cursors." You can then locate a collaborator's cursor by clicking on their initials in the upper right corner of your canvas.

  • The chat feature can be opened with the Chat tab near the bottom of the Dock (found on the right side of the editor). It allows you to talk to your collaborator(s) while you’re online and editing the document. Anyone currently working on the document will have access to the conversation. If the user is not online they will not be able to see any previous messages sent in the chat.

  • If you and your collaborator(s) aren’t working on the document at the same time or if you would like to store your conversations use the commenting feature.

If none of these tips resolve the issue please fill out this Support Form. Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks for your help and patience!



Can you collaborate with people that do not have licenses? I've shared with others and given them access to edit and share but they can't move anything around. These people are in my organization with the same email extension.  

Hi Michelle

Thanks for posting on the community and good question. If you are sharing the document with unlicensed users on your company's enterprise account then they will be View-Only and will not be able to edit the document unless they are granted licenses. You can read more about the capabilities and limitations of View-Only users in the Enterprise Licensing help center article. Hope this helps and feel free to let me know if you have any further questions!
