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When integrating with ClickUp the following error is thrown i have unlinked logged out and tried this across several days but it does not work. I am the ClickUp Owner/Admin so have all the appropriate rights etc. 

Hi Alex

Thanks for posting in the Community!

Just so we’re on the same page please review our ClickUp Integration article from the Lucid Help Center. 

As a first step I would recommend following these  troubleshooting instructions:

  • Try the export in a Chrome Incognito browsing session. An Incognito Window is a private browser that allows you to sign into Lucid without any outside interference. It is a way for us to determine what may be causing the error you are seeing. 

  • Sometimes issues like this can be related to internet connection speed or network security. Please try again on another network ensuring that you are on a strong stable connection.

  • If applicable could you please try disconnecting from your VPN to see if that resolves your issue?

If these steps don't resolve the issue please let me know.
