Clean up output - match size of objects and organize
Looking for some tips or guidance on the most efficient way to ‘clean up’ output. Sometimes I have trouble cleaning up post its especially when moving them into the visual activity spaces. When I click ‘quick clean up’ most time it’ll position the post it’s in a vertical set up instead of condensed/box which then adds a step of me taking the post its to line them up properly. The other issue I see often is when people change the sizes of the post its. Even if I highlight all the post its and click ‘match size’ it changes all the post its to the size of the biggest post it (instead of normal size) which I’ve worked around by highlighting all the post its and making them small, add a new post it, then highlight all again and click match size.
Just looking to see what other people are doing and if there’s something I can do better.
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Hi @rvassilatos, thank you for posting in the community! Just to confirm does this happen when you only select the sticky notes on your board to cleanup?
Quick cleanup should place your sticky notes into a grid, however if the box containing the sticky notes is also selected, it will cause the cleanup to appear in a straight line. I’ve attached a GIF demonstrating the difference:
For adjusting the size of your sticky notes using match size, you will need to right-click the object that you’d like to match with. For example if you’d like the sticky note to match the small size, you will need to select both and right-click the smaller one when selecting ‘Match Size’. Please see the GIF below for a demonstration:
I hope this helps. Feel free to let us know if this is not the case for you, or if you have any questions!
I didn’t know the second tip that is going to save so much time, thank you!
The first gif, I’ll have to try maybe I experiences a glitch because I always make sure to grab posits only (even make sure by filtering only on postits) and it was still coming up in a straight line. Just double checked it with an old board i had that i remember having the issue on and the same thing happened, not sure how to share screen here but I’ll keep trying on my end. Thank you!
Hi @rvassilatos, I’m glad to hear the match size tip is helpful!
For the quick cleanup issue, I would recommend testing this in new blank board with only sticky notes to help determine if the issue is related to specific boards or if it’s happening to all Lucidspark boards.
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you continue to experience the same issue and we’ll be happy to take a closer look together. Thank you!
I have a situation where on one specific board - one that a colleague had created - the quick clean up just puts it in a line. I have gone in and deleted frames and boxes that were there. But it still seems to clean up in a line. I’m not sure if some board setting has changed. Any help on how I can get it back to a grid?