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Hi there

I came across the following article in the help centre but not sure of its context.

I am experimenting with LucidChart and am in a corporate environment. I did not have the need to request any of what the article suggests in terms of domain filtering so that I can use LucidChart. Can someone explain to me the context of the article and what use case it caters for?

Hi Ali thanks for posting in the community! The article linked in your post lists the domains that need to be allowed on your company network for Lucid to work properly. Items or websites on an allowed list are granted access to the system allowing them to be installed altered and communicated with over the private network.

If the domains are blocked users may see issues with Lucid not loading properly or they may see issues with real time collaboration. If you are not sure about these settings I recommend sharing the article with your internal IT team for some additional insight. 

I hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions!
