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Dear Lucid team

Very happy to see you guys here.

I found that Lucid is a very powerful tool for making charts and it also inspires me when I want to make something new. However when I use Lucid to create a program which uses Chinese characters some garbled characters are displayed on the interface and I cannot fix it. Could someone help me to solve this issue?


Hi thank you for contributing to the Lucid for Developers Community space. As this issue does not appear to concern our APIs I’ve moved your post to our Lucid Suite Community space. Someone will reach out to you shortly.

Hi AaronZhanguk
Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community!

Unfortunately Lucidchart does not currently support Chinese. 

As a potential workaround I would recommend changing the font for your document to "Liberation Serif" as this may help the font appear more uniform.
You may also see an improved experience by uploading a custom font file for a Chinese font and using this custom font on your document. For more information on how to upload custom fonts please take a look at the Add and style text Help Center article.
We are always looking for ways to improve our localization and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your request for Chinese availability in the product to this localization feedback form? Feedback submitted to this form is passed on to the localization team for their consideration and used to spur on language coverage expansion.

Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience this may be be causing you! 
