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I have spent quite a bit of time creating a flowchart using the chat GPT (paid) plugin. 

An edit flowchart link has been created, but when I click it I just see an empty “Unititled Diagram”.

The URL contains an invitation ID and to me looks like it should work. 

I have tried another browser. 

Any ideas? Really don’t want to have to start again….



Hey @BB1980 -- thanks for posting! It looks like you’ve already created a support ticket with us, so I will direct our conversation there so we can get a clearer picture of what this issue is. 



Thanks Phillip.

The solution to this was to take the diagram code into a new chat session and ask "create a new diagram from this code" The link then worked. 

No problem @BB1980 -- thanks for updating the thread with the solution! 🤝

It seems there are still bugs with this as I made some new changes and had the same problem. I then tried my previous solution of pasting the code and asking for a new link, but the new link did not work either. 

Hey there -- thanks for getting back to us! Would you care to paste the code here so we can take a look?
