Our current org chart is in Visio and contains photos for each person. I was thrilled to see the import function into LucidChart. I was able to successfully import but have run into one giant roadblock that I’ve been unable to figure out. I can edit the name and job titles but cannot figure out how I can update the photos that were imported from the Visio org chart. Is that possible? If it’s not, my second thought was to remove the photos in my Visio org chart and import without photos but then I cannot figure out how to insert the photos into the org chart in Lucid. All I’ve been able to do is figure out how to “attach” a photo to someone’s box in the org chart which isn’t the same thing.
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Hi, thanks for your post! To clarify, have you exported your original org chart from Visio as a VSDX or VSD file, then imported it? Or have you imported it through the dedicated org chart tool? Essentially, I’m wanting to understand if Lucidchart is treating your org chart as a specific org chart object (which corresponds to the specific org chart tools), or if the org chart is being treated as a regular shape.
In general, you can replace the images in your org chart by selecting the employee tile and opening the Layout tab in the org chart panel on the right.
From there, you can either choose Upload New Photo and upload your image file, or, if your image is stored in a public location online, you can add it to the URL field.
Hi @Micah, I’ll do my best to respond but I’m a newbie with LucidChart! To answer your first question - in LucidChart I clicked on +New>import>Visio and completed the import that way. In looking at the actual Visio document, the file type is Microsoft Visio 2003-2010 Drawing.
The org chart imported perfectly, keeping all of the tabs we had setup and formatting. But, there is no option for me to replace the existing photos. When I click on the contextual panel, my pop out doesn’t say org chart at the top. It says freehand drawing. In the layout tab, I see none of the options you are showing in your screenshot.
Hi @sgriffin, thanks for the response! And no worries about being a newbie, we are happy to help you so that soon, you feel like an old pro
The contextual panel shows formatting and data options of the shape or page you have selected. It sounds like you may need to select your org chart, and then the specific employee shape, to be able to view these options. Notice how the title of the contextual panel changes, and the options available, as I make different selections on my board (Page to Orgchart to Org Chart > Employee):
If this doesn’t answer your question, could you include a screenshot in your reply of what you’re seeing on your end?
Hi @Addie ,
I think the issue is that my data doesn’t look like what you’re showing. It looks like yours is what the page looks like if you’ve created your org chart within LucidChart. I have imported my org chart in from a Visio file. When I click on a box that shows an employee’s detail and open the contextual panel, I don’t see all of these options you do when looking at an org chart that was built in LucidChart.
Hi @sgriffin, thanks for the follow-up. Unfortunately, in this case, it seems as though Lucidchart is not able to recognize your org chart as a formal org chart object and is instead treating it as a regular shape. This is why you don’t see the org chart options in the right panel that Addie and I refer to above.
Compatibility with Visio is something we take very seriously and our team has dedicated countless hours over the last few years to make these imports as high fidelity as possible. In certain cases, due to differences between the two applications, it is not possible to maintain exact functionality across both.
As a workaround, I recommend utilizing the data source that you've created your Visio org chart from for Lucidchart’s org chart import tool, which will automatically rebuild your org chart and provide full access to the editing tools shown in the screenshots above. Alternatively, you can upload your preferred images onto your canvas, position them over the existing photos that you want to replace, and then group them (click and drag to select the original + the new photo, right-click, and choose group), so that they move as a singular shape.
Thanks, @Micah . If I use the data import tool you mentioned, will I be able to have the org chart split into multiple tabs like we do now? Our Visio org chart has a tab for each department. This ensures that when we save to PDF to distribute, each department shows on a separate page.
Yes, you will! Upon importing your data, Lucidchart will ask if you’d like to create one large org chart for the whole organization, or if you would like to create separate charts for each. Choose the latter option, and then you can select the delineating attribute - in your case, department. In my example below, my dataset doesn’t have a “department” field, but if yours does, that will appear as an option here.
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