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Hi - the person from our team who set up Lucid chart account has left employment. How can I change the user account settings? I have attempted via the User Settings but the following warning shows

Warning: This user has Single Sign-on linked to their Lucid account. By proceeding they will no longer be able to use Single Sign-on with Google or Microsoft accounts set up to use their old email. If they are linked to Google Drive their account will be unlinked.

I don't want to risk loosing the charts that have been made - so I have canceled the change.

Could you advise if I click Unlink - will the charts still be available on the updated account details?

Hi @jenna v thanks for posting in the community! Since this deals with your account settings and may require us to take a closer look I am going to move our conversation to a private support ticket. Please keep and eye out for an email from Lucid support. Thank you!


Just sharing an update on this issue for anyone who is seeing a similar warning message. The message shared in Jenna's post is displayed when you attempt to update the email address of an account that has an existing single sign-on token.

When the email address is updated you will not lose the documents saved in your account. When your account is unlinked from single sign-on you will have the option to relink once you login with the new email address. Hope this helps! :) 
