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Every Lucid chart I create is saved to the same folder in Google drive. How can I change the default location? Now that I know I don't get a choice to change the location with each chart I would like to move it to a more generic location.


Anthony S.

Hi Anthony

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! Unfortunately it is not currently possible to change the default folder location. All your Lucidchart documents will be backed up in a Google Drive folder named "Lucidchart." 

However you can move your Lucidchart folder to any location in your Google Drive as well as the documents backed up in that Lucidchart folder to any other folder in your Drive. You can also create multiple subfolders within your Lucidchart folder. Please note that whenever a new document is synced it will be saved to your main Lucidchart folder and then you will be able to move it to whichever folder you want. 

For more information about our Google Drive integration please check out the Lucidchart in Google Drive article from our Help Center and let me know if you have any questions.

This comment was 4 years ago. This is a basic problem. Please fix this simple usability issue before implementing more features. This is a critical element of being able to manage documents. I am running into problems navigating and searching for LucidChart documents as my number of projects grows.


Great product... but lets get someone to revisit some of the basic lower level essential elements of this program--like users ability to 1) Store files 2) See where files are stored from within a document 3) Move files (both in GDrive and within the LucidChart Document) and 4) Make sure the file names become searchable in GoogleDrive (or within a special LucidChart Tool).  These are relatively 'small' projects that a single decent good Apps Script developer could knock out in a month if you let them spend time on it.

Hi @daniel k102 thanks for continuing this thread and apologies for the frustration. We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback.

At this time all documents synced to Google Drive will appear in the Lucidchart folder after which you can move it to another location within your drive. However I definitely understand how this would be an improvement and have passed this feedback on to our Product Development Team for their consideration. 

If there are any additional details you'd like to share about your use case or what you'd like to see in this experience we'd love to hear more in this thread.
