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Hi I'm currently working on an enterprise wide process for the management of Change.
I think that there is great potential to develop some standardized templates in this area particularly around the most widely tools used in organisation's.
1. Lewin's Unfreeze Change refreeze model
2. Kübler Ross' 5 stage model
3. ADKAR (I noticed this is available in Lucidspark only)
4. McKinsey 7S framework
5. Kotter's 8 step model

Hey Ria

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community and thank you for the great ideas here! I will ensure this information makes it to the the correct Team for their consideration in the future. In the meantime you can create diagrams that you then convert to Custom Templates. These could then be utilized by you and your team in the future for different iterations of this process. 

Hope this helps! Again thank you for the ideas and letting us know how we can best improve your workflow--please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!
