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Hello could you please tell me if it is possible to change the "Notify by email" checkbox value when sharing diagrams?

By default notify it is checked. We would like to change the default to unchecked to avoid unnecessary spamming of our users.

Follow-up should this question be created under the "Feature Request" section?

Hey there thank you for posting in the Lucid community! Our sincere apologies for the delayed response on this thread - I wanted to follow up in case this answer may still be useful to you and to provide a solution for other users who see this thread in the future.

Unfortunately changing the default notification setting is unsupported in Lucidchart. However we're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. I've gone ahead and submitted your idea to our product team on your behalf and it will be taken into consideration when prioritizing improvements to the product.

For anyone else with a similar request: please submit your feedback using this feature request form in order to voice additional support to our development team. We would also love to hear additional detail about your use case or see an example of what you're hoping to achieve in the thread below. Additionally if you've discovered a workaround to achieve something similar in the meantime we'd love to hear about it!Thanks for your request!
